Establishing Open Access Institutional Repositories in Palestine

The Current Situation, the Lesson Learned and the Future


Dissemination Workshop



  • The Islamic University of Gaza: Conferences Hall, Taiba Building
  • Birzeit University: Institute of Law Annex Hall (Room 243)

November 21, 2018



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The ROMOR Project “Research Output Management through Open Access Institutional Repositories in Palestinian Higher Education Institutions” aims over the course of three years to build capacity on research output management in four leading PS HEIs by establishing Open Access Institutional Repositories (OAIR). The training which is required to establish these repositories, and then their implementation, population and management are the core of the Project.

This Project aims to improve not only the visibility and the management of scientific research but also to promote the advocacy in support of open access to research outputs and to foster scholarly communication and coordination between Palestinian universities. The Project comprises 4 Palestinian universities and 4 European universities.

  • The Islamic University of Gaza
  • Birzeit University
  • Al-Quds Open University
  • Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie
  • Technische Universitaet Wien
  • Universita Degli Studi Di Parma
  • The University of Brighton
  • The University of Glasgow

Learning outcomes from these activities would be shared and disseminated through a series of training and dissemination workshops. This workshop is the first one in this series.


Sharing knowledge with other non-partner stakeholders by introducing:

  • ROMOR Project and its objectives,
  • Open Science and Open Publishing,
  • the lessons learned from staff and students mobility,
  • the lessons learned from implementing OAIR in partner universities, and
  • the national plan for research output management in Palestinian universities

Target Group

Academic and administrative staff, and students, non-partners universities, MoHE, and the AQAC.



Wednesday November 21, 2018

The Islamic University of Gaza: Conferences Hall, Taiba Building

Birzeit University: Institute of Law Annex Hall (Room 243)

8:30- 9:00 Registration
Time Topic Speaker Details
9:00-9:20 Opening - Dr. Rawia Awadallah (IUG)
- Prof Naser Farahat (IUG President)
- Prof. Henry Giacaman (BZU Vice President for Academic Affairs)

Session 1: Introduction to Open Science

Chair- BZU: Prof. Adnan Yahya

9:20- 9:30 ROMOR & Open Science Dr. Rawia Awadallah (IUG) - Introducing Open Science
9:30- 9:50 Open Access Publishing in a Digital World Prof. Talal Shahwan (BZU) - Why open access publishing?
- Chances and challenges of OA publishing
- Resources and databases
9:50- 10:00 Coffee Break

Session 2: Training & teaching: Mobility Activities (A quick recap of lessons learned)

Chair- IUG: Prof. Samir Afifi

10:00 - 10:20 Parma Mobility experience Dr Wael Al-Sarraj (IUG) - Introduction: Introducing the mobility participants from PS universities and the Hosting university.
- Activities, Visits, Lectures and Exercises took place.
- Outcomes: courses developed, links established with research teams at PARMA.
- European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
10:20 - 10:40 Vienna Mobility experience Dr Thabet Sabbah(QOU) - Climate Change Centre
- Vienna University Digital Repository (Phaidra)
- Digital Preservation Curricula Development
10:40 - 11:00 Glasgow Mobility experience Dr Mutamed Alkhateeb (PTUK) - CASRAI 2018: common terms used in Open Access are presented: (Gold/Green open access, Embargo, CRIS, IR, ORCID, DataCite, (Crossref), ISNI, Data Licensing and copyrights
- Repository Fringe 2018: Next generation repository (COAR)
11:00 - 11:15 Overview of ROMOR training and teaching environment - IUG (Bilal AlNabris+ Mohammed Alastal)
- BZU (Dr. Talal Shahwan)
- Infrastructure (IUG)
- The training/teaching courses (IUG)
- BZU Plan
11:15 - 11:30 Student Mobility experience Students - Parma students experience
- Vienna students experience
11:30 - 11:40 Coffee Break

Session 3: Implementation and the National Roadmap

Chair- BZU: Dr Wael Hashlamoun

11:40 - 11:55 IUG Repository Dr. Iyad Alagh (IUG) Current situation and efforts, lessons, and future plans
11:55- 12:10 FADA Mrs. Diana Sayej (BZU)
12:10- 12:25 OSOL Dr. Yousef AbuZir (QOU)
12:25- 12:40 PTUK Repository Dr. Nael Salman (PTUK)
12:40- 13:00 The National Research Output Management Roadmap

Dr. Adnan Yahya (BZU)
Dr. Samir Afifi (IUG)
Dr. Walid Sweileh (AQAC)
Dr. Rawia Radi (IUG)

Introduction to the national roadmap for research output management
13:00 - 13:50 Open Discussion

- MoHE
- ROMOR team
- Administrations in PS partner universities
- Attendees

13:50 Wrap-up & Closing Rawia Awadallah (IUG)


Dissemination material

