In the presence ofHis Highness Dr. Sabri Sidem, Minister of Education and Higher Education, and Dr. Nidal Al-Jayousi, representative of The National Erasmus+ Office in Palestine, a meeting was held at the Ministry's headquarters in Ramallah on Monday, 11-12-2017 with the ROMOR Project representatives from the Palestinian partner universities. ROMOR Project “Research Output Management through Open Access Institutional Repositories in Palestinian Higher Education is co- funded by the European Union (Erasmus + program) and aims over the three years of the project duration to build capacities in research output management through designing, implementing, managing and sustaining institutional repositories in the partner Palestinian universities (the Islamic University of Gaza, the Birzeit University, Al Quds Open University, and the Palestine Technical College – Kadoori). The main objectives of the meeting were to introduce the ROMOR Project and to discuss the mechanisms of cooperation with the Ministry. In the meeting, the participants also stressed the needs to activate and to expand the Project activities at the national level and to support the sustainability of these activities in order to enhance the long-term impact of Palestinian scientific research at both the regional and the international levels.
Dr. Nidal Al-Jayousi spoke about the importance of the project to scientific research and the extent of its qualitative addition in building the capacities necessary to manage, archive and disseminate scientific research through accessible institutional repositories. He also praised the role of the Ministry of Higher Education and the impact of the Ministry as a facilitator for the dissemination, and for their adoption of the Project outputs and its sustainability efforts The Minister of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Sabri Sidem, spoke about the importance of the Project and its role in bringing about a qualitative leap in the educational institutions.
The Minister recommended the participation of the Scientific Research Council in the Ministry as well as the National Authority for Accreditation and Quality in Palestine, in the next meetings of the Project in order to enhance cooperation between the ministry and the Project team. In addition, there was an agreement between the partner universities and the Minister to nominate a representative of the Ministry in order to communicate with the project team and to follow up its various activities.
In her turn, Dr. Rawia Awadallah, Director of ROMOR, praised the Minister's participation in this meeting and talked about the next training workshop which will be held in January 2017 and invited the Ministry of Education and Higher Education to nominate a number of its staff to participate in the training meetings during the coming period.