The management of ROMOR project concluded a three-day training course on establishing and administering open access data institution in Palestinian higher education institutions.
The training which was held at Vienna Technical University in Austria aimed at exchanging expertise between the European partners and their Palestinian counterparts in the field of administering open access data institution as well as developing governing polices for the work of data repositories.
More than 30 participants took from Palestinian and European universities took part in the training. The trainees represented different parties concerned with administering open access data institution. They ranged from library representatives from partner universities and representatives from scientific research deanships and digital publishing and other units from those universities.
Doctor Rawya Awadallah, ROMOR project manager praised all efforts of partner universities and their role in the success of the project by presenting extraordinary role models in establishing open access data institutions.
She also thanked Vienna Technical University for its role in organizing and hosting the training program and giving the chance to Palestinian universities to exchange expertise with their European counterparts.
The training program included a variety of activities ranging from presentations made by all partners on progressing in development of establishing open access data institutions. The Palestinian universities who participated in the training presented their methodology in establishing open access data institutions. The European universities presented feedback on stages of achievement in this field in Palestinian universities.
From a different aspect, the program also included presenting suggested policies in organizing the work of the open access repositories in Palestine. The partner unviersities exchanged expertise and experience in this filed. A number of sessions were held between the Palestinian university representatives and their European counterparts for the purpose of getting acquainted with the best application used in open access repositories in European universities.
The training concluded by a meeting of the project management to give its vision on a future plan for the project and the mechanisms needed to develop work in the project and ways to communicate the output of the project to Palestinian universities.
It is noteworthy to mention that ROMOR is a project funded by the European Union and Erasmus. The Information Technology department of the Islamic University of Gaza supervises the management of the project. The project team included members from Berzeit University, Al- Quds Open University, Palestine Technical University-Khduri and Vienna Technical University, Parma University, Glasgow University and the Digital Data Libraries in Europe.