Birzeit University [BZU] is Palestine’s first independent not-for-profit institution of higher education governed by an autonomous Board of Trustees. It embodies a success story, inspirational to all Palestinians. Since 1972, BZU has grown to become a leading university in the Middle East, on par with the very best. The University is committed to maintaining excellence in teaching and learning and advancing knowledge through scientific research and civic engagement.
Our distinguished faculty combine scholarship and professional experience as former officials, diplomats, professionals, researchers, and scientists. Our students come from diverse backgrounds made possible by the university’s commitment to provide equal opportunities for deserving individuals. Nowadays BZU comprises 9 faculties offering 59 undergraduate programs, 28 Master programs and one interdisciplinary Doctorate Program in the Social Sciences launched in 2014/2015.
Birzeit is also home to 11 institutes and centers that support community oriented programs geared towards training, capacity building, research and maintaining sustainable development in Palestine. BZU has student body of approximately 11,000 students of which about 1400 are graduate students and full time faculty members of 450, as in the academic year 2014 – 2015.
BZU Affiliation:
BZU is affiliated with and member of the following associations:
- UNAIS-UNA International services International Service is an international development charity working in Latin America, West Africa and the Middle East
- PEACE - Program for Palestinian European Academic Cooperation in Education
- AARU - Association of Arab Universities
- IAU - International Association of Universities
- UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union
- EMUNI- The Euro-Mediterranean University
- AUF - L’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
- EPUF- EuroMed Permanent University Forum
- FUIW - The Federation of universities of the Islamic world
- HEEFA - Higher Education: Research and Education For All Member via IAU
- IAUP - The International Association of University Presidents
BZU has been invited as partner in the project.
As partner, BZU will cooperate in the design and implementation and will populate the institutional repositories in line with best international practices. BZU will also participate in the advanced training to be offered by EU partners that will intertwine with the development of the institutional repositories to ensure practical knowledge is successfully acquired to meet the local needs.
BZU Team:
Dr. Adnan Yahya |
Dr. Talal Shahwan |