Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII), University of Glasgow

The Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII) has led and been involved in numerous, curation and preservation projects over the past decade - most including a training focus . These projects include Electronic Resources Preservation and Access Network (ERPANET) in FP5, leader of the Digital Preservation Cluster within the DELOS Network of Excellence, partner in the Preservation and Long-term Access through NETworked Services project (PLANETS) in FP6, partner in the Collaboration for Clarifying the Costs of Curation project in FP7 and partner in the Digital Curator Vocational Education Europe project (Leonardo da Vinci Programme). We are currently a partner in the Facilitate Open Science Training for European Research project (FP7).

Since 2004, HATII has been a core partner in the Jisc-funded Digital Curation Centre (DCC). HATII leads the DCC’s training activity strand. As part of our work on DCC, HATII has developed and delivered training and guidance to raise awareness and improve capacity for curation and preservation. In addition to training and guidance, HATII has developed and delivered tools and services to support curation and preservation including DMPonline, our data management planning tool that helps researchers meet the requirements of funding bodies; Collaborative Assessment of Research Data Objectives and Infrastructure (CARDIO) - a digital curation capability assessment tool, and Data Asset Framework (DAF) which provides a methodology and framework for assessing institutional data holdings. We work with international actors at many levels, including the Australian National Data Service (ANDS), Research Data Alliance (RDA), Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and the Knowledge Exchange (KE). Recently designated an iSchool, HATII also provides academic programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in arts and media informatics, computer forensics, and digital preservation for archivists, records managers, data scientists and digital librarians.

HATII will draw upon our vast experience and extensive peer network to ensure successful delivery and promotion of the work described in this proposal.

HATII is a core partner in the Digital Curation Centre which is a world leading centre of expertise in research data management and curation and have produced a highly cited Curation Lifecycle Model.
HATII were partners in the recent DigCurV project which produced a valuable curricula framework for digital curation and this might be considered as part of the landscape analysis in WP1
HATII is an iSchool so there may be potential for HATII to contribute to WP2 and WP3. The iSchools organization is a collection of Information Schools dedicated to advancing the information field.
In addition, HATII are currently partners in FOSTER which looks at developing a portal to reusable training materials relating to Open Science that may be of value for the project to draw from.
The work of HATII in the DCC has helped many institutions to assess their research data management requirements They have published a checklist for selecting repository platforms for research data.
This might help on looking at requirements for repositories in PS partners to handle research data in addition to publications (WP4).

In particular:

  1. GLA will participate in assessing needs (WP1).
  2. GLA will participate in developing and repurposing the learning materials (WP2).
  3. GLA will participate in delivering the summer school (WP3).
  4. GLA will lead the quality plan work package (WP6).
  5. GLA will participate in the management work package (WP8).

GLA Team: 

Joy Davidson

Sarah Jones
Legal Representative

Dr. Frank Hopfgartner