WP5: Building the Institutional Repositories

Lead organization: IUG
Workpackage Type: Development
Start date: 01/02/2018
End date: 30/09/2019

In this workpackage partner PS HEIs will implement four production institutional repositories; in IUG, BZU, QOU, and KAD. EU partners will be consulted during this workpackage. Besides, they will also evaluate the implemented institutional repositories in a workshop that will be conducted for this purpose in PS HEIs by the end of this workpackage. For successfully conducting the activities of this workpackage, partner PS HEI will build on the knowledge they gained in the training summer school and on the outcomes of the planning of institutional repository workpackage (workpackage 4).


5.1 Implement four institutional repositories in partner PS HEIs.
5.2 Evaluation workshop.
5.3 Develop promotion and advocacy plan for institutional repository to enlist participation
5.4 Develop a scaling up plan for IUG institutional repository
5.5 Populating and scaling up activities